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The excursion to the Korgalzhyn nature reserve

Cost without Nur-Sultan PASS:
13500 тг. 14500 тг.
13500 тг. 14500 тг.
г.Нур-Султан с. Коргалжын, РГУ «Коргалжынский государственный природный заповедник», ул. М. Рахимжана
CityPASS virtual ticket with QR code is valid once within 30 days from the date of purchase
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Для прохода на экскурсию необходимо:
1. Предъявите оператору или экскурсоводу перед посадкой в автобус виртуальный CityPASS с QR-кодом, в распечатанном виде либо на смартфоне и получите входной билет на экскурсию
The excursion to the Korgalzhyn nature reserve

Every weekend, Active KZ Tours invite you to visit the Korgalzhinsky nature reserve and the ALZHIR memorial complex. Only 150 km away. from the bustling, bustling city is a real bird’s Paradise.
A land where we are guests, not hosts, where bird voices are heard everywhere in the ringing silence, and the smell of steppe grass turns your head. Make a gift for yourself, visit the nature reserve and feel the unity with Mother Nature.
Korgalzhyn reserve is a diamond on the map of Kazakhstan. This unique place is protected by UNESCO. It is famous for its rich flora and fauna, as well as stunning natural landscapes.
The reserve is home to 350 species of birds, 43 species of mammals and 500 species of higher plants. And, of course, there are pink flamingos-these beautiful elegant birds with unusual pink plumage. As well as swans, geese, ducks, cranes, larks, herons and a great many other birds. On the way back, we will visit the memorial complex of victims of political repression in ALZHIR. The price includes: transport, set lunch, guide, all entrance tickets, excursion to ALZHIR, eco fees.
Korgalzhynsky reserve was created in 1968 to preserve the unique wetlands that are the habitat of flamingos, curly pelicans and other birds.
Most of the territory is occupied by salt and fresh water reservoirs. The territory is basically a system of two lakes: the flowing lake Korgalzhyn and the drainless lake Tengiz, connected to each other. Tengiz-Korgalzhyn lakes are not only the most extensive water area of the steppe zone, but also one of the most unique places on the entire Eurasian continent: two important migration routes of birds — Central Asian and Siberian-southern European-cross here.
Since 1994, the pink Pelican has been regularly found on the territory of the reserve. Breeding populations of flamingos and Oxyura leucocephala are the largest in Central Asia.
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The excursion to the Korgalzhyn nature reserve
The excursion to the Korgalzhyn nature reserve
The excursion to the Korgalzhyn nature reserve
The excursion to the Korgalzhyn nature reserve
The excursion to the Korgalzhyn nature reserve
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