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The Has Sanat art gallery

г.Нур-Султан, улица Динмухамеда Кунаева 14
The Has Sanat art gallery

The art gallery was opened in Nur-Sultan in 2003. There are several main activities of the gallery. This includes holding exhibitions of both Kazakh and foreign artists, as well as opening new names and creating a creative atmosphere to support and develop talented youth. One of the most important activities of the gallery is charity.

The main activity of the gallery is aimed at introducing the residents of the capital and its guests to the unique creations of different generations of artists from Kazakhstan and other countries, conducting presentations in our country and abroad. Art lovers are presented with multi-dimensional collections representing different types of fine art: paintings, graphics, sculpture and tapestries.

The Has Sanat art gallery holds two Salons each year, in spring and autumn. An important direction in the gallery’s activities is to discover new names in art and create a creative atmosphere for the development of young talents — the Spring Salon is designed to support young people. Famous masters are exhibited in the Autumn Salon. A special theme is offered for each Salon.

Since 2003, the Khas-Sanat gallery has been constantly holding charity events, including in support of children with disabilities. Among them — charity fairs, patronage of the Studio of art therapy «Ocean Art», for children with disabilities, where more than 20 people study. In 2009, the First festival of children’s cartoons based on their drawings was held.

The collection of the NAS Sanat gallery includes works in various genres and directions, from realism to avant-garde and modern installations or bold experiments on the theme of ethnosymbolism. Among the artists there are names of masters, and young masters of the brush and chisel. The collection is particularly proud of the works of A. Sadykhanov, A. Akanayev, E. Tolepbay, K. Mullashev, A. Akhat, A. Noda, B. Bapishev, sh. Tolesh, E. Kazarian, M. Bekeev, L. Urazbekova, A. Denikeev, N. Bube, R. akanaev, B. Akanayeva, E. Aituarov, L. Osman, V. Gvozdev (Shege), L. Mahat, S. Bektiyarov, A. Smagulov, B. Zaurbekova, B. Turgunbay, A. bektasova, G. Karasabai, E. Beisembinova, A. School, E. Volkova, and B. Assanova.

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The Has Sanat art gallery
The Has Sanat art gallery
The Has Sanat art gallery
The Has Sanat art gallery
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